Innertune | Android & iOS App

From Zero to 200,000 Users: The Success Story of Innertune Positive Affirmations App


New users after 8 months


Revenue first Year


Free to paid conversion rate

Business Challenge

Innertune Media aimed to launch a groundbreaking affirmations listening application that prioritized user experience while requiring minimal maintenance resources. The primary challenge was to rapidly validate the concept before entering the scaling phase.

Many mobile apps fail because they build too many features without understanding their users.

The goal was to develop the app iteratively, starting with a small concept and launching on iOS only, then scaling to Android once traction was visible. Extensive analytics was a critical prerequisite for any development work to measure the outcomes of feature development accurately.

Product Requierments
  • Cross-platform Mobile Application (Android and IOS)
  • Fast development, reduced time to market (TTM)
  • Maintain high quality to maintain high AppStore reviews
  • Implementing analytics dashboards
  • Offline mode for caching user data

— What I thought would take a year to develop, we ended up having a functional product in less than one and a half months.

Co-Founder of Innertune,

Marc Lafleur

Phase 1: MVP development stage

Team Composition

  • Product Manager
  • UX/UI Designer
  • Senior Flutter Engineer
Discovery Phase (3 Weeks)

The development of the Innertune mobile app began with a crucial 3-week discovery phase. During this period, our project manager and lead developer collaborated closely to identify key user roles, define essential user flows, and outline the technical architecture.

Inertne v1 MVP version

Implementation (6 weeks)

This thorough groundwork allowed us to enter the 6-week MVP development stage with clear objectives and a solid foundation. The lean team, consisting of one developer and a project manager, worked efficiently to deliver a functional MVP. The goal was to publish the app on iOS, enabling friends and family to test it and start generating early traction in the market.

Innertune App on Appstore 4.9/5 from 4,000 Reviews

Phase 2: Product Scaling Phase

Duration: 1 year - Ongoing

Focus: Growing the user base and ensuring the app can handle increased traffic and usage. This phase includes optimizing the app’s performance, enhancing infrastructure, implementing marketing strategies, and continually improving user retention and engagement.

Features & Highlights

  • Technology: Hybrid Flutter Application Development, reducing effort by 50%.
  • Analytics: Setup of behavior Amplitude analytics to track and improve user retention.
  • Web-checkout: Grow revenue by activating Web checkout and traffic from web.
  • Backend Migration: Backend driven media management allow to scale user base.

This structured approach, focusing on iterative development and scaling, was instrumental in achieving the rapid growth of the InnerTune app.

User behavior analytics implementation in Amplitude
Services Delivered
End-to-End Software Development
Tech Hiring Strategy Service
Offshore Software Teams

Technologies & Tools

Firestore and Flutter provided a solid foundation, enabling cross-platform development and real-time data management without heavy upfront costs.

Core Infrastructure:

  • Google Cloud: Core infrastructure and auto-scaling for services.
  • ReactJS: Web-related interfaces like web-checkouts.
  • PostgreSQL: Migration from Firestore for data reliablity and scaling.
  • Airtable: Facilitated flexible content management for the affirmation library.

Mobile-Specific Services:

  • Adapty: Streamlined subscription management.
  • Stripe: Enabled secure and seamless payment processing.
  • AppsFlyer: Tracked user acquisition and marketing performance.
  • Everflow: Managed affiliate programs to enhance user growth.P
Google Cloud

Conclusion: From Idea to 200K Users

The Innertune project was a resounding success, rapidly gaining traction with over 200,000 users. Our team’s strategic approach, focusing on delivering a polished and engaging product, resulted in a highly rated app with a 4.9 average on the App Store and $500,000 in revenue within the first year. This achievement underscores our ability to create impactful digital solutions that not only meet but exceed client expectations, driving substantial growth and user engagement.

Sept 2024, Latest version with over 500,000 Users
  • MVP launch in 1.5 months
  • 4.9 Avg rating AppStore
  • $500,000 USD Revenue 1st year
  • Full Team working 1.5 years together

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